Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We went north to Colorado for Memorial weekend.  Darren spent some time fishing and Hudson spent some time sleeping.  I think the altitude made him sleepy.

The lake was beautiful and green.

Hudson got in on the fish action with his own cowfish toy.  A fish that moos like a cow.  Poor kid, he's going to be so confused. 

I took some pictures of Hudson watching the Cavs game with his dad.  His eyes were so heavy, but he was trying hard to see the end of the game.  Check out his full belly :-)

Hudson went swimming for the first time last weekend too.  It was a little breezy, but he still had a good time.  He really loves the water.

He also started laughing this past week too.  It is so great.  I tried to get a video, but he won't ever do it while we have the camera on.  I did get some still shots that are fun. 

1 comment:

Mas said...

D, I don't know how you pulled it off buy your boy is stinkin cute! You and I both know that if any of our kids turn out half way good lookin it had to be all Dana and Regina cause you and I...well in the words of that dude on the water boy: "the good Lord did not bless us with good looks...or a fully functional brain..." ha ha. Bet you're a proud dad. Praise God for such an awesome baby. Can't wait to meet him. I'll get him a .22 for his b-day. -Mas