Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome 2012

2011 was one of the most challenging years of our lives in so many ways, but still we are so thankful for all that God has done for us and brought us through! And while so many things are still up in the air, we are thankful for God's real presence, provision and peace that sustains us always ... sadly we just realize it more during the difficult times.

Both boys are getting so big. Hudson is shooting up in height ... over 3 feet these days, and Ryder has caught up to Hudson in weight and shoe size. Hudson still loves books. He can read some of them to us now and he is learning to write his letters and numbers on a new electronic tablet. Ryder knows many of his letters and sounds thanks to practice with his big brother. We were in the pharmacy recently and Ryder pointed to the 'P' and said "PaPaPa". He mimics almost everything Hudson does ... good and bad :) Hudson has gotten into the habit of asking me "Who was on the phone?" when I get finish talking, so I hung up my cell phone the other day and Ryder asked "Whose on da phone?". I just laughed. I can't get away with anything these days.

And they both LOVE jumping on their Christmas present!

Here are a few of the fun things we've been up to lately ...

Making Christmas cookies with Amber

Denver Broncos vs Chicago Bears

The Polar Express

Christmas Time

Tebow Time