Hudson had a series of firsts over the past few weeks, but then again everything he does is really a first. But, we still like to get pictures of as many first moments as we can.
First Bath ...
He looked so terrified, but now he loves bath time.
This picture was after a bath in the sink at my parents house. They just finished remodeling their house, and they put in a huge sink for bathing Hudson and future grand babies. He got the royal treatment at their house. A heater next to the sink to keep him warm and a towel straight from the dryer waiting for him after each bath.
First Time Meeting Uncle Clay
Mom and Clay came to visit for a few days. We didn't do much but hold and stare at the baby. They would fight over who got to change his dirty diapers :-)
First Road Trip to Mia & D's House
On the way down to Lovington, we stopped in Roswell at cousin Major's Indiana Jones themed birthday party. It was super fun with a rope swing over a snake pit (rubber snakes in a kiddie pool of sand). Hudson got to meet lots of family there. And in Lovington, he hung out with his Mia and D (Dana's parents) and met his great grandmother, MaMa. He also took a long nap with cousin Willie.
First Baby Shower
Also in Lovington, we went to a baby shower for Shelly and Kobe. I grew up with Shelly, and her baby boy, Kobe, is only a month older than Hudson. I don't have any pictures from the shower yet, but we got to hang out with Shelly and Kobe the night before the shower. There were so many babies at the shower (6 or 7 at least). It was fun to see and visit with friends that I haven't seen in many years.
And last, but certainly not least ...
First (Almost) Full Night's Sleep
Last night, Hudson slept from 10pm to 4am ... that is six full hours. He usually eats every 3 hours like clockwork, so I usually feed him at least a couple times a night. Needless to say, we were happy to have 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. We tried using a swaddling outfit, basically a straight jacket for newborns. He didn't like it at first because he likes his hands up by his face. But after five long minutes of crying, he slept like a champ for 6 hours.